忘了这是第几道“校门外的树”的,翻了下tyvj发现叫这名字的有三道题- -。括号法真是好东西。
写BIT算法的时候犯的错就是忘记给function里的ans清零的- -一开始我看output都差1我还以为是算法错了。
program vijos_p1448;var i,j,m,n,k,a,b,tot,t1,t2,ans:longint; f:array[1..200000,1..2] of integer;function lowbit(x:longint):longint;begin lowbit:=x and (-x);end;procedure add(x,node:longint);begin while x<=n do begin inc(f[x,node]); x:=x+lowbit(x); end;end;function getsum(x,node:longint):longint;var ans:longint;begin ans:=0; while x>0 do begin ans:=ans+f[x,node]; x:=x-lowbit(x); end; exit(ans);end;begin readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(k,a,b); if k=1 then begin inc(tot); add(a,1); add(b,2); end; if k=2 then begin t1:=getsum(a-1,2); t2:=tot-getsum(b,1); ans:=tot-t1-t2; writeln(ans); end; end;end.
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program vijos_p1448_3;var f:array[1..200000,1..2] of longint; k,a,b,i,n,m,tot,t1,t2,ans:longint;procedure add(p,left,right,x,y,node:longint);var mid:longint;begin if (x=left) and (y=right) then begin inc(f[p,node]); exit; end; mid:=(left+right) div 2; if y<=mid then begin add(2*p,left,mid,x,y,node); f[p,node]:=f[p,node]+1; end else if x>=mid then begin add(2*p+1,mid,right,x,y,node); f[p,node]:=f[p,node]+1; end else begin add(2*p,left,mid,x,mid,node); add(2*p+1,mid,right,mid,y,node); f[p,node]:=f[p,node]+1; end;end;function getsum(p,left,right,x,y,node:longint):longint;var ans,mid:longint;begin if (x=left) and (y=right) then exit(f[p,node]); mid:=(left+right) div 2; if y<=mid then exit(getsum(2*p,left,mid,x,y,node)) else if x>=mid then exit(getsum(2*p+1,mid,right,x,y,node)) else exit(getsum(2*p,left,mid,x,mid,node)+getsum(2*p+1,mid,right,mid,y,node));end;begin readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(k,a,b); if k=1 then begin inc(tot); add(1,1,n+1,a,a+1,1); add(1,1,n+1,b,b+1,2); end; if k=2 then begin t1:=getsum(1,1,n+1,1,a,2); t2:=tot-getsum(1,1,n+1,1,b+1,1); ans:=tot-t1-t2; writeln(ans); end; end;end.
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